

* ЁЯУ┤ЁЯУ┤ркУркирк▓ાркИрки ркХ્рк╡ીркЭ ркоાркЯે ркЕрк╣ી ркХ્рк▓િркХ ркХрк░ો

* ✅✅ New ркУркирк▓ાркИрки рк╣ાркЬрк░ી ркоાркЯે ркЕрк╣ી ркХ્рк▓િркХ ркХрк░ો

* ✔рккрк░ીркХ્рк╖ાркиા рккેрккрк░ો рк╕ોрк▓્ркоાркпુрк╢рки ркоાркЯે ркЕрк╣ી ркХ્рк▓િркХ ркХрк░ો

* ЁЯФЖЁЯФЖркЬркирк░рк▓ ркиોрк▓ેркЬ ркЬાркгрк╡ા ркоાркЯે ркЕрк╣ી ркХ્рк▓િркХ ркХрк░ો

*ЁЯУЬЁЯУЬркЧુркЬрк░ાркдી ркЧ્рк░ાркорк░ркиી ркЕркд્ркпંркд ркЙрккркпોркЧી ркмુркХ

*✉✉CRC-BRC ркоાркЯે ркЕрк╣ી ркХ્рк▓િркХ ркХрк░ો

* ЁЯЯвЁЯЯбркдркоાрк░ી рк╢ાрк│ાркиા ркдркоાрко ркмાрк│ркХોркиા ркпુ ркЖркИ ркбી ркиંркмрк░ ркЬાркгрк╡ા ркЕрк╣ી ркХ્рк▓િркХ ркХрк░ો

* рк╕рк░ркХાрк░ી ркнрк░ркдી ркоાркЯે ркЕрк╣ી ркХ્рк▓િркХ ркХрк░ો

*✍ркПркХрко ркХрк╕ોркЯી ркоાркЯે ркХ્рк▓િркХ ркХрк░ો.

*ЁЯЦеЁЯЦеHome Learning рк╡િркбીркпો ркиિрк╣ાрк│рк╡ા

ркЧુрк░ુрк╡ાрк░, 23 рк╕ркк્ркЯેрко્ркмрк░, 2021

28% Moghavari vadharano paripatra

Moghavari vadharo-1-7-2021

On salaries as per Gujarat State Service (Salary Reform) Rules-2013, as shown in reference

 (2).  Pursuant to the Government Resolution dated 18/1/2050, the employees and pensioners of the State Government will be given a date.  It has been decided that with the effect of 1/6/2018, inflation allowance will be available at the rate of 15%.  Date of Government of India shown in reference 

(2) above.  In view of the situation arising out of the transition of Kovid-12 from the Office Memorandum dated 7/8/2050, Dt.  1/1/2050, Dt.  1/4/2050 and dt.  It was decided to postpone the inflation allowance which is applicable from 1/1/2021.  Date of Government of India shown in reference 


(2) above.  From the Office Memorandum dated 30/7/2021, in the case of Central Government employees and pensioners, the aforesaid deferred inflation allowance was consolidated.  With effect from 1/4/2021, the rate of inflation allowance currently being paid will be increased at the rate of 17% to 28%. 

‘Expenses incurred by the Panchayats due to the costly allowances sanctioned to their employees and non-government secondary schools to their teachers as well as subsidized institutions to their staff will be regulated as prescribed in these orders.  

Who will apply

Expenses incurred due to these orders will be eligible for grant on condition that the difference in the cost of allowance thus sanctioned should not exceed the share due to the equivalent employees of the State Government.  According to the prevailing policy of the state government, this increase in the inflation allowance will be available to those who have been given salary reform as per the Atma Pay Commission.  

These orders will also apply to All India Service (AIS) officers.  By order of the Governor of Gujarat and in his name, Type here to search  Gujrat Government 

New DA Letter 28% _Download

6th Pay DA Letter 28% _Download

Calculation Sheet Download

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