Manad Vetan Thi Pravasi Shikshak Tarike P.T. Ane Chitra Shikshakoni Nimanuk Aapavo Babtno Date: 06-01-2018
The Government has published this letter to fill the teachers in the schools which are present in the schools in which the teacher is presently present in the schools which are presently teachers. This letter has been reduced due to the lack of permission and the teacher is allowed to fill the school.
This tourist teacher is paid wages every day. How can the school fill such teachers? Here's a PDF file of all the forms of how to take their application, attend their attendance, and the type of conditions of the traveler's teacher and conditions, such as getting their consent, at the school level, which you can download and keep it at school level. Not every school has to fill tourist teachers. But the schools which are lacking in teachers in schools can fill these types of teachers.
Pravasi Teacher
In schools, the current school is given to the school as a tourist teacher to reduce the teacher's duties.
This tourist teacher is paid wages every day. How can the school fill such teachers? Here's a PDF file of all the forms of how to take their application, attend their attendance, and the type of conditions of the traveler's teacher and conditions, such as getting their consent, at the school level, which you can download and keep it at school level. Not every school has to fill tourist teachers. But the schools which are lacking in teachers in schools can fill these types of teachers.

Manad Vetan Thi Pravasi Shikshak Tarike P.T. Ane Chitra Shikshakoni Nimanuk Aapavo Babtno Date: 06-01-2018
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The Government has published this letter to fill the teachers in the schools which are present in the schools in which the teacher is presently present in the schools which are presently teachers. This letter has been reduced due to the lack of permission and the teacher is allowed to fill the school.
Pravasi Teacher Bharava Babat
Primary School and madhyamik school ma je pravasi Teacher ni bharati karava ni thay te samaye mangavvani application ane jaruri sadhanik kagalo ek j pdf file ma melvo ..............Download here
Pravasi teacher ni boli ane sharato - Download here
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