I am crc kolava
Wel return my web site Examination of instructional quality of every subject of ordinary three to eight, the therapeutic work of that subject, and the decision of taking the Peeriodical Assessment
Test (unit test) as part of CCE.
This unit check has been organized on Saturdays aside from the king each week to guage the teaching work done by the teacher in normal three to eight and
improve its quality.
From Gregorian calendar month twenty two, 2018 to March-2011, the unit tests of different subjects will be taken in standard 3 to 8.
The unit has been selected each week on weekday for the check.
This unit check course are from following week of the check.
The question paper are ready by GCERT in this course.
Through the whole education campaign, it will be delivered to SoftCop every Thursday till the district and taluka.
Every BRC Co O a similar day on CRC CO.
OR it'll need to be organized on Friday to send a coach to 1 text of the college until that point.
CRC Co O it'll need to borrow the price of this on its own contingency head.
Unit check notebook BRC to put in writing this check Co-ordinate to deliver to the college.
All students of ordinary three to eight have determined to require the Peeriodical Assessment check (Unit Test) by the whole education campaign.
The guide is given by the reference letter.
In order to take care of the integrity of this check throughout the state, this time period is alleged to be unbrokenfrom 9:30 to 10:30 within the morning.
Other medium queries except Gujarati medium Paper GHz, E, RT Prepared by SSA Will be delivered through In order to inform all the primary schools in their possession,
STD-3 to 8 Ekam Kasoti Gujarati Paper date- 22/12/2018
STD-3 to 8 Ekam Kasoti Ganit Paper date- 29/12/2018
STD-3 to 5 Ekam Kasoti Evs Paper date- 5/1/2019
STD-6 to 8 Ekam Kasoti Science Paper date- 5/1/2019
STD-4 to 8 Ekam Kasoti English Paper date- 12/1/2019
STD-4 to 8 Ekam Kasoti Hindi Paper date- 12/1/2019
Local observation and management of TPEO, KeNi, BRCCO, at Taluka level to take the unit timely, confidential and properly tested in the unit on this test day.
O And BRP. You have to do this.
After finishing the unit check, checking the unit notebook will be required to show the signature of each student and take his signature and perform a remedial work.
The data entry of this property are worn out fifteen days.
The fundamental measure of those probes is as follows.
Not only is the content given in the book for all-round development of children, it is not enough to touch the human life, there are many other areas which the child should have the general information about which we know traditionally the general knowledge of all these groups, children of standard 6 to 8 Reading can understand that the language of the impoverished language is in the education only if the news is to be understood in the current letter It is necessary to understand the basics of that matter. For this, information about fields like literature, film history, science and technology, by the state government's education department, I have introduced the name of the world human being in a language that children understand. This content is selected by the GCERT from selected experts from across the state We will keep these books in the school library in such a way so that the children are easily created with help.

Subject File Download
Gujarati (3 to 8)Download
Hindi (5 to 8)Download
English (5 to 8 )Download
Sanskrit (6 to 8) Download
Maths (3 to 8) Download
science (6 to 8) Download
Social science (6 to8 )& Environment (3 to5 )
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