External form for school development plan
Note: Details given here are for guidance only. Using it, each school has to prepare a school development plan.
I. Here only sample ideas are given for preparing school development plan. It can be taken as a base and can be included in other motos.
II. Without the information regarding the provisions made under the Right to Education Act, 2009, and the rules prepared by the State, no school management committee can prepare a school development plan.
III. Unless the actual data for the nomination of the school is received, a credible assessment can not be made about the need for physical facilities and human resources.
IV. While organizing district development, the district project office will have to include planning of the scheme involving the school development scheme.
V. The implementation of certain plans included in the school development scheme can be done only by the involvement of the community at the village level, with the help of teachers, children and local authority, whereas some of the CRC, BRC, will be complete from the district level. Very few planning implementations are done at the state level.
VI. Monitoring of midday meals can only be made part of the school development plan.
Make sure that all the extra classrooms are completed by the end of the year.
Note about shape, air, and light of classrooms ........................................ ..............
Note about quality and adequacy of drinking water facility .......................................... ....
Note about the adequacy of the toilet unit and its use and its maintenance .........................
Note about blackboard location .................................................. ....................................
Note about the adequacy, eligibility and structure of furniture .......................................... ..................
Note about the friendly components for children in classrooms and school building ................................
Note about the availability of secure space that can be stored for the library .................................
Facilities and facilities for education training materials, including CCE related documents
Note about availability .................................
Note about quality of playground .................................
Note about the steps taken regarding power supply and safety .................................
Note on the availability of game devices .................................
Whole school for children with a stereotype and ramp and special needs (IED) children
Note on the access to the premises ..............................
Other notes ..............................
OPTIONAL HOLIDAYS for presidency staff
No.GS/2018-32-PHD/102018/1411/GH:- the subsequent ar the facultative Holidays recognized by Government of
Gujarat for the year 2019 additionally to those notified as Public Holidays.
Get Daily Updates for Latest Breaking News, Job Alert, Result, Answer Key, Study Material, Notification, Question Paper etc direct in mobile from our website www.bhikhuambaliya.com please save updates will start in two days. Thank you.
In The Countryside Of Gujarat, Sardar Patel Was Born And Brought Up. Similarly, Sardar Vallabhbhai Subsequently Organised Peasants From Kheda, Borsad And Bardoli.
GCERT dwara havethi prathmik shalao ma dhoran 3 thi 8 mate navi pepar stail jaher kari je mujab have thi parixa levashe.
Please link to this link and download link
Swami vivekanand jayanti are celebrated as yuva day in March 12. Different programs are organized by the owners in schools and colleges on yuva day. Swami vivekanand are given information about the great girls by the children in schools. Children of the great villains who have gone to India and around the world speak up.
Children also cross the notice board of information of these Swami vivekanand. The information collected about theseSwami Vivekanand is done by cutting a newspaper. All these information also present the children in the school prayer program. Knowing the Great Vivekanand of the Children, those who are studying at the school also develop a new self-confidence, and they also get motivated to set a higher target. The great Person of India
For the past decade in Gujarat, the government has done many programs and campaigns to improve the level of school education. Even after not changing the level of education, the state education department has released a fatwa of the program titled 'Mission Vidya', and the state's Chief Minister, including ministers and legislators, and BJP office bearers have formulated a program for inspection of schools.
The government will again go to schools in the new program of Mission Vidya in the education department. For which the Education Minister has given orders to start schools one hour early in the program for the Sixth and Sixth standard.
Against this, the anger of teachers, parents and students has spread.
1. Vision: Making school work in line with the provisions of the RTE Act, 2009.
2. Objective:
According to the norms and norms available in the RTE Act, 2009 and the National Curriculum Structure (NCF), 2005, in principle, the school's support-structures, human resources, quality of education, equality and management of the school, the students, teachers and teachers To ensure the development of the school environment.
I. Here only sample ideas are given for preparing school development plan. It can be taken as a base and can be included in other motos.
II. Without the information regarding the provisions made under the Right to Education Act, 2009, and the rules prepared by the State, no school management committee can prepare a school development plan.
III. Unless the actual data for the nomination of the school is received, a credible assessment can not be made about the need for physical facilities and human resources.
IV. While organizing district development, the district project office will have to include planning of the scheme involving the school development scheme.
V. The implementation of certain plans included in the school development scheme can be done only by the involvement of the community at the village level, with the help of teachers, children and local authority, whereas some of the CRC, BRC, will be complete from the district level. Very few planning implementations are done at the state level.
VI. Monitoring of midday meals can only be made part of the school development plan.
Make sure that all the extra classrooms are completed by the end of the year.
Note about shape, air, and light of classrooms ........................................ ..............
Note about quality and adequacy of drinking water facility .......................................... ....
Note about the adequacy of the toilet unit and its use and its maintenance .........................
Note about blackboard location .................................................. ....................................
Note about the adequacy, eligibility and structure of furniture .......................................... ..................
Note about the friendly components for children in classrooms and school building ................................
Note about the availability of secure space that can be stored for the library .................................
Facilities and facilities for education training materials, including CCE related documents
Note about availability .................................
Note about quality of playground .................................
Note about the steps taken regarding power supply and safety .................................
Note on the availability of game devices .................................
Whole school for children with a stereotype and ramp and special needs (IED) children
Note on the access to the premises ..............................
Other notes ..............................
The government has now established teachers' benefits for cash in the state
Big loss of 1500 teachers who retired on October 31: Fierce protests against the government by the teacher union
The accountant general quizzed the audit of accounts
When the retired teachers of Granted Schools are given cash of Rs. 300 for the resolution of the Finance Department of the Government of Gujarat, the benefit has been temporarily suspended by the government's education department, after which the Secondary Education Association has registered a fierce protest.
The Education Department has issued circular on 23rd yesterday that teachers who retired in the secondary and higher secondary schools of Gujarat are given the financial benefit of getting their cash in cash by the circular dated 26-3-2013 and it is now postponed for a long time. On the previous circular of this matter, the query has been addressed by the Accountant General, Rajkot and the government department has asked for clarifications, which may take a lot of time to respond. Hence, the time for conversion of cash is not provided and the execution is implemented.
JAHER RAJA LIST Year -2018-19 GUJARATI- English
Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar,
Dated the 3rd November, 2018
No. GS-32/2018--PHD/102018/1411/GH: The Government of Gujarat is pleased to declare the following days to
be Public Holidays for State Government Offices during the year 2019.
Note : (1) the subsequent days haven't been notified as General Holidays as they fall on Sunday
01 Shree Ram Navmi ordinal Apr, 2019 24, Chaitra, 1941 Sunday
02 Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s Birthday ordinal Apr, 2019 24, Chaitra, 1941 Sunday
03 Diwali twenty seventh Oct, 2019 05, Kartik, 1941 Sunday
04 Eid-e-Meeladunnabi
( Prophet Mohammad’s Birthday)
10th Gregorian calendar month, 2019 19, Kartik, 1941 Sunday
Note: (2) If any of the Muslim Holidays notified on top of doesn't fall on the day notified, the Muslim
Employees of the govt. is also granted Associate in Nursing facultative vacation on the day on that the
holiday is really discovered.
Note: (3) the vacations also will be applicable to all or any authorities Undertakings, Boards,
Corporations and panchayet Offices.
01 Shree Ram Navmi ordinal Apr, 2019 24, Chaitra, 1941 Sunday
02 Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s Birthday ordinal Apr, 2019 24, Chaitra, 1941 Sunday
03 Diwali twenty seventh Oct, 2019 05, Kartik, 1941 Sunday
04 Eid-e-Meeladunnabi
( Prophet Mohammad’s Birthday)
10th Gregorian calendar month, 2019 19, Kartik, 1941 Sunday
Note: (2) If any of the Muslim Holidays notified on top of doesn't fall on the day notified, the Muslim
Employees of the govt. is also granted Associate in Nursing facultative vacation on the day on that the
holiday is really discovered.
Note: (3) the vacations also will be applicable to all or any authorities Undertakings, Boards,
Corporations and panchayet Offices.
OPTIONAL HOLIDAYS for presidency staff
No.GS/2018-32-PHD/102018/1411/GH:- the subsequent ar the facultative Holidays recognized by Government of
Gujarat for the year 2019 additionally to those notified as Public Holidays.
KGBV schools are allotted to these talukas by declaring educational backwardness to talukas which are less in the taluka of Gujarat. The KGBV schools are set up by the government to provide accommodation to the girl child. The accommodation arrangements are fre
e in these hostels. All the materials such as soaps, oils, books, notebooks, and lodging - are provided free of cost to the girl child. The girls live in these KGBV schools. Therefore, in the KGBV schools, take the views of the girls in the Taluka level or district level. This matter has been circulated by GCERT. Responsibility for the protection of girls lives in KGBV hostel warden, Assistant Warden. All employees in KGVV schools are women. Apart from these women, no male employee can go to hostel at dusk. Can not invest in the night as well. KGVV hostels and students can not be employees except female employees. All employees, like peasants, cooks and scavengers, have to keep women. This circular is published from the state level to take some representations. At dusk, a male employee can not go to a hostel and invest in the night.
SSA Kasturba Gandhi Vidhyalaya (KGBV) has published Probable Merit for Various Posts.
Get Daily Updates for Latest Breaking News, Job Alert, Result, Answer Key, Study Material, Notification, Question Paper etc direct in mobile from our website www.bhikhuambaliya.com please save updates will start in two days. Thank you.
SMC Talim Teleconference date- 02/11/2018
Every school has to organize SMC training on 02/11/2018. This training is organized by SSA. This SSC training will be given in the school through online biassenges. This training will start at 9:00 am and its re-broadcast will be from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the evening. This training is going to be on Vande Mataram Channel. This training is to be given to all members of SMC. During this training, SS will be monitored by the employees. In this training, the cost per member is to be 40 rupees. This training is to be given to 12 members of the SMC. In this training, the present members and absentee members have to send the information to the SSA office.
SMC Bisag TALIM teleconference link letter Download
There is loads of helpful literature on the market in numerous examinations conducted in Gujarat.
Sardar Patel Jayanti
In The Countryside Of Gujarat, Sardar Patel Was Born And Brought Up. Similarly, Sardar Vallabhbhai Subsequently Organised Peasants From Kheda, Borsad And Bardoli.
Its most noteworthy thing that He Continued To Promote Quit-India-Movement Along By Organising Elections In 1934 And 1937. Sardar Patel Is Also Known As “Iron Man Of India”. He Also Inspired Everyone Due To His Spirit.
In 2014, There Held A Celebration Of Patel On His Birthday 31st, October As A Day Off “Rashtriya Ekta Divas” Or “National Unity Day” Introduced By Government Of India. Sardar Patel And His Wife Had A Daughter Maniben And A Son Named Dahyabhai.
In 2018, the government has decided to celebrate the anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel as "Ekta Din". On this occasion, the highest statue of the world built on the government monk bat. It will also be inaugurated. On this occasion, unity in schools across the state of Gujarat has to be taken. Every school has to celebrate this day. Ekta Rath Yatra has also been organized by the government. According to the route, all the villages of Gujarat will go. And on October 31, the statue of Sardar Patel will be unveiled on the banks of Narmada. saradar patel ekata din letter download link
Likewise, Vallabhbhai Patel Start Doing Tour In Kheda District Refusing Paying Tax. Government Arrests Sardar Patel Due To Paying The Tax. Likewise, Sardar Bhai Patel Form A Network To Start Helping In People To Hide Valuables Things By Doing Farming In Each Farm.
He also Writes A Letter To His Daughter That He And His Colleagues Are Experiencing “Fullest Peace” For Having Done “Their Duty”. Therefore, He Was Also Very Motivating.
Sardar Patel
Birth : October 31, 1875
Birth Place : Nadiad town, Gujarat
Early Life spent in : Karamsad, Petlad and Nadiad.
Parents : Father Jhaverbhai, a farmer, and mother Laad Bai, a simple lady
Wife : Jhaverba, who passed away at a very early age
Children : Daughter Maniben (Born in 1903); Son Dahyabhai (Born in 1905)
Death : December 15, 1950
1. Sardar Patel Supported Mahatma Gandhi’s Non-Cooperation Movement And Switched To Wear Khaadi Clothes Only.
2. Sardar Patel Studied Law In London And Practiced It In India And Became The Most Successful Lawyer In The Country.
3. After Meeting Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel Joined Indian Independence Struggle In 1917.
4. He Married To Jhaverba And Due To Cancer She Died When Their Children Was Just Of Age Five And Three But He Raised Them With The Family Support.
5. Sardar Patel Died On December 15, 1950, In Bombay After Suffering From Massive Heart Attack.
2004 bad nokri ma lagel karmachari ne GPF
GPF Ma samavava no bharat sarkar no aadesh.
UPSC,SSC,IBPS,Banks and any other exams.We are uploading Current affairs in Image format because you can save it and share with others people. These current affairs are helps in your practice to prepare for all competitive examinations .Daily GK Updates Latest News Updates about the National, International and Miscellaneous events were listed here for the candidates preparing for various competitive exams.Please share with your friends this current affairs , general knowledge image and always stay with us for latest updates Join Our Telegram News Channel :Click Here we are updates latest Gujarat all competitive study materials,PSI /ASI Bharti Study Materials, TET TAT HTAT Study Materials ,GPSC Study Materials, CCC Exam Study Materials, GPSC Class 1-2 Exam Latest Study Materials for Various Exams, GSRTC Conductor Exam Study Materials in www.bhikhuambaliya.com Published Daily Gujarat All Competitive Exam, UPSC,SSC,IBPS,Banks and any other exams.
2004 bad nokri ma lagel karmachari ne GPF ma samavava no bharat sarkar no aadesh.
UPSC,SSC,IBPS,Banks and any other exams.We are uploading Current affairs in Image format because you can save it and share with others people. These current affairs are helps in your practice to prepare for all competitive examinations .Daily GK Updates Latest News Updates about the National, International and Miscellaneous events were listed here for the candidates preparing for various competitive exams.Please share with your friends this current affairs , general knowledge image and always stay with us for latest updates Join Our Telegram News Channel :Click Here we are updates latest Gujarat all competitive study materials,PSI /ASI Bharti Study Materials, TET TAT HTAT Study Materials ,GPSC Study Materials, CCC Exam Study Materials, GPSC Class 1-2 Exam Latest Study Materials for Various Exams, GSRTC Conductor Exam Study Materials in www.bhikhuambaliya.com Published Daily Gujarat All Competitive Exam, UPSC,SSC,IBPS,Banks and any other exams.
2004 bad nokri ma lagel karmachari ne GPF ma samavava no bharat sarkar no aadesh.


State Government Announcing Navratri And Diwali Vacation
State Government Announcing Navratri And Diwali Vacation
Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama said that Navaratri vacations will be held between 10 to 17 October in the state schools and colleges and on 18th October, there will be Dussehra holiday.
Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama said that Navaratri vacations will be held between 10 to 17 October in the state schools and colleges and on 18th October, there will be Dussehra holiday.
Apart from this, Navaratri contains a 7-day vacation, the 21-day vacation for Diwali can currently be fourteendays.
Diwali vacation are going to be command from fifth to eighteenth Gregorian calendar month that is Dhanteras to Sud Dasam before Diwali vacation was unbroken from day to twenty five, though because of the
7-day holiday in Navaratri, the holiday has shortened.
This call has created the scholars school} college return to the instrument of execution.
This year, because of the Navratri vacation, the Khaleeas too can stick with it mind.
The Gujarat government took a crucial call on taking Navratri, that has declared the appointment of the Minister of Education Bhupendrasinh Chudasama to Navratri and Diwali.
From this year forward, the scholars of the faculty together with Navaratri are going to be given vacation from tento seventeen Gregorian calendar month and leave for Dasara on eighteenth might.
Apart from this, Dewi's vacation are going to be from day to eighteen.
The authorities had already declared that there'll be a vacation at school and faculty throughout Navaratri's day.
It will be implemented from the current year.
This call was declared by State Minister of State Vivebri Dave earlier and on this date the govt of Gujarat has declared 'Navratri' and 'Diwali' vacation day these days.
Important Link

eachers ar nice sources of data, prosperity and enlightenment to that anyone is benefited for whole life.
They function the rs 64000 light-weight in everyone’s life as they assist students to form their ways in which within the life.
They are the God precocious folks in everyone’s life UN agency lead America towards success with nonestinginess.
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Teacher plays terribly essential role within the field of education UN agency teaches students terribly nicely to be an individual of excellent ethical and behavior.
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A teacher may be a somebody UN agency takes important responsibility of shaping up the lives of young ones and plastic kids.
They get nice feeling, pride and true joy in their life by teaching their students on the correct path.
They ne'er do any style of partiality between sensible or unhealthy students instead they continuously attempt tobring unhealthy one on the correct path through their immeasurable efforts.
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Primary School SMC Grant Vaprash Circular
Vibhyasahayak ne pura pagar ma smavta SPL kapat na ganva babat.
std 3 thi 8 mate subject vise parixa nu malakhu ane niyamo pdf
GCERT dwara havethi prathmik shalao ma dhoran 3 thi 8 mate navi pepar stail jaher kari je mujab have thi parixa levashe.
GCERT has been involved in shooting for the first time since the 3rd to 8th May, but it is now possible to make a fresh move to win the match.
Please link to this link and download link

Swami Vivekanand - Yuvaday
Swami vivekanand jayanti are celebrated as yuva day in March 12. Different programs are organized by the owners in schools and colleges on yuva day. Swami vivekanand are given information about the great girls by the children in schools. Children of the great villains who have gone to India and around the world speak up.
Children also cross the notice board of information of these Swami vivekanand. The information collected about theseSwami Vivekanand is done by cutting a newspaper. All these information also present the children in the school prayer program. Knowing the Great Vivekanand of the Children, those who are studying at the school also develop a new self-confidence, and they also get motivated to set a higher target. The great Person of India
The campaign will last for a month
For students, who are relatively poor in Reading, Mathematics and Writing, especially for students studying in standard 6-7-8, starting from July 26, 'Mission Vidya' will be started for one consecutive month.
For students, who are relatively poor in Reading, Mathematics and Writing, especially for students studying in standard 6-7-8, starting from July 26, 'Mission Vidya' will be started for one consecutive month.
(CM did not take plane, Rupani says - 'How will we go to flood victims')
"Mission Vidya" will be inaugurated by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani who will be going to school
Ministers and high officials will monitor
"Mission Vidya" will be inaugurated by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani who will be going to school
Ministers and high officials will monitor
"Mission Vidyarthi" will be inaugurated by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, who will be going to the school, along with the Deputy Chief Minister in the entire state, all the ministers and high officials of different departments will go to school allotted to students of standard 6 to 8 reading, computing and writing.
education minister has been directed to start schools one hour early in this program for the standard six to eight programsAhmedabad: Following the campaign for one month, third party evolution will also be done. Apart from this, during the campaign, students will be constantly monitored during the education process, and relatively weak students will be made equivalent to other students.
education minister has been directed to start schools one hour early in this program for the standard six to eight programsAhmedabad: Following the campaign for one month, third party evolution will also be done. Apart from this, during the campaign, students will be constantly monitored during the education process, and relatively weak students will be made equivalent to other students.
For the past decade in Gujarat, the government has done many programs and campaigns to improve the level of school education. Even after not changing the level of education, the state education department has released a fatwa of the program titled 'Mission Vidya', and the state's Chief Minister, including ministers and legislators, and BJP office bearers have formulated a program for inspection of schools.
The government will again go to schools in the new program of Mission Vidya in the education department. For which the Education Minister has given orders to start schools one hour early in the program for the Sixth and Sixth standard.
Against this, the anger of teachers, parents and students has spread.
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