
મંગળવાર, 14 ઑગસ્ટ, 2018

15th August Day

15 August हिंदी निबंध – स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर निबंध 2018

आजादी ये सब्द बहुत ही बड़ा है और इसका अर्थ भी बहुत बड़ा है..आजादी कहे या सवतंत्रता ये ऐसे सब्द है जिसमे पूरा आसमान समाया है। .आजादी एक स्वाभाविक भाव है या यूँ कहे की आजादी की चाहत हर मनुष्य को ही नहीं जिव-जंतु और वनस्पतियों में भी होती है। ..सदियों से भारत अंग्रेजो की गुलामी में रहा। .उनके अत्याचार से जान जान त्रस्त था.खुली फ़िज़ा में सांस लेने को बेचैन भारत में आजादी का पहला बिगुल १८५७ (1857  ) में बजा किन्तु कुछ करने से हम गुलामी के बंधन से मुकत नहीं हो सके। .वास्तव में आजादी का संघर्स तब अधिक हो गया जब बल गंगाधर तिलक ने कहा की ”‘स्वतंत्रता हमारा जनम सिद्ध अधिकार है। …
अनेक क्रांतिकारियों और देशभक्तों के प्रयास तथा बलिदान से आजादी की गोरोव गाथा लिखी गयी है। . यदि बीज भी धरती में दबा दे तो वो धुप तथा हवा की चाहत में धरती से बाहर आ जाता है क्योंकि स्वतंत्रता जीवन का वरदान है वयकति को पराधीनता में चाहे कितना भी सुख प्रपात हो किन्तु उसे वो आनन्द नहीं मिलता जो स्वतंत्रता में कसत उठाने पर भी मिल जाता है। ..तभी तो कहा गया है की। ..
पारधीन सपनेहुँ सुख नाही।
हमारे देश को आजाद करेने में हमारे देशभक्तो का सबसे बड़ा योगदान रहा है जिसमे चंदरशेखर,भगत सिंह ,राजगुरु ,शुभाष चन्दर,खुदीराम बोस,रामप्रसाद बिस्मिल ,जैसे क्रन्तिकारी तथा महात्मा गाँधी ,तिलक ,पटेल,नेहरू, जैसे देश भकत मौजूद है। ..आखिर देशभक्तो के महत्वूर्ण योगदान से 14 अगस्त की अधिरात्रि को अंग्रेजों की दासता और अत्याचार से हमें आजादी परापत हुई थी..ये आजादी अमूलय है क्योंकि इस आजादी में हमारे आस्खयान भाई बंधुओ का संघर्स तयाग तथा बलिदान समाहित है। . ये आजादी हमें उपहार में नहीं मिली है। ..
वंदे मातरम और इंकलाब जिंदाबाद की गर्जन करते हुए अनेक वीर देशभक्त फांसी के फंदे पर झूल गए। ..१३ अप्रैल १९१९ को जलियांवाला हत्याकांड वो रक्त राजित भूमि आज भी देश भक्त नर नारियों के बलिदान की गवाही दे रही है। .
आज हम सब ७२वा सालगिरह बना रहे है अपनी आजादी का। .आज के दिन हमें अपने देशभक्तों को याद करना चाहिए। ..और हमें भी देश की प्रति  सच्ची देशभावना दिखानी चाहिए। ..जय हिंदी जय भारत

15th August  Speech

We all are one because our Hindustan is one and we are all brothers and sisters. Our country is the most beautiful country where every kind of people live. Every kind of speech is spoken. Hindustan Megaisa has been known for its goodness. Freedom is here democratic shashan, where every person has the freedom to give his opinion, then come, let us now increase a good 15 August 2018 speech. ... this is Hindi Bhasan for all of you, whether it is students or teachers As you all know, our country was liberated from the slavery of the British on August 15, 1947. Our country, a great warrior fought for the country's independence. First of all, in the heroic warrior, the name of Mahatma Gandhi, the national father of our country, comes in many ways to liberate our country, the Dandi March movement has become very popular.Our country is free, we have one because of. Because of our revolutionaries. Those who have shown true loyalty to our country's party and have the right to their country. .. Today we also remember the martyrs of our country which include Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Sahdev and other country devotees. ..Today we are celebrating 72rd Independence Day. . But what is the freedom today? Do you think that our country is still free? Is our country's woman still free? All of you know the excitement of these questions but you will not want to tell because it will be the evil of our country. But how long will you hide these things, sometimes you will have to raise voice. This freedom we have not inherited in my friends. To get this freedom, our countrymen have sacrificed their lives and have taken 200 years to get this freedom. This freedom is given by our ancestors. But we are using the right of this freedom. ..Will someone tell me the true meaning of freedom ??Let me tell you only. ..The true meaning of freedom is that we maintain our party unity, we maintain cleanliness around, we should help each other, help the poor, we must obey the law of our country, mutual Living in love with love etc. All these works fall under patriotism.But 72 years after Independence, what is happening in our country, there is a riot between war, rap, theft, surrender, murder, Hindus and Muslims. Does this mean independence? ..What is why our ancestors gave us freedom. ..Our ancestors taught us that we should live together. Because because there is only strength in unity, but our country leaders are beating the unity to get the power of any peak. From the beginning, the hunger of power in our country is forcing everyone to do anything. ..But today it is 72 years old. Even today, the state of our country is not improving.Now everyone will know that the recent incident of a rap has emerged in the very recent context in which every leader spoke after the clash and made a special dialogue between Hindi and Muslim. ..But we have to understand that we are free; it does not mean that we can do anything we should always do any work within our country's law. Remember only martyrs on Independence Day. Apart from speaking of patriotism, all of us should take the initiative to do something in our daily affairs of the country, thinking of doing things to clean the country, give a proper direction to our children and the children around them. Help the poor children to fall, give respect to the elderly, punish the culprit by becoming aware of crime. Dare to say wrong to the wrongdoing, do not cooperate with the person or even inadvertently follow the rules of the most necessary country. If we engage in these things everyday, then the country will progress, and we will all be called the Saput of the country.

With this I stopped my speech. .Jai Hindi Jai India

Long live Mother India

Mother India. Hail ....

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